Van Tour 2022: Ales and Trails

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Ales and Trails 2022

Located at China Camp State Park in San Rafael, California, the Access4bikes Foundation hosted the Ales and Trails event that went off to be a huge success. The event was packed with demo bikes, group rides, clinics, local live music, kids races, and some of the best beer and hard kombucha Marin county had to offer. You couldn't have asked for better weather in a more gorgeous landscape with a crowd full of smiles.


The WTB booth was all dialed in for Ales and Trails with their stunning displays of tires, wheel-sets, tubeless components, and a wide array of saddles.  The kids really loved the golden tickets that WTB hid all over the venue, which could be brought back to the booth to exchange for a prize.

The showstopper for us at WTB was the makeshift race track made by tying up some tape along the vendor's tents, and letting kids 12 and under race side by side around the venue. We got a front row seat to the action as they pummeled their way around the corners. Parents stood idly by with their local brews in hand and the sweat drip from the day's ride. Cycling events are back in full force here in 2022 and we are set for a very exciting summer ahead of us.

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