TDS 2024 did not disappoint, you had hail, rain, hot, clouds and everything in-between.

Ryan Gardner deciding if he wants to mud wrestle or not.

Slalom was cancelled because it was used as a slip-n-slide instead.

Mark Weir and friends cooked for the crew over the weekend! Don't worry he didn't loose his tooth in the food, that was from the weekend before.

The man, the legend Ron Sanchez saying the number one rule of the ranch at the riders meeting, " Don't be a dick."

Charlie wrangling cats for the mini Moto race! Way to go Charlie!

The mini Moto event is always a spectacle.

Oh.. don't mind me... just a classic car in the fire pit. You get to sit in it and it feels like you're driving into the fire. Really neat.

The fabulous Newman family made breakfast and dinner for all the racers and volunteers! We miss you Buddy!

Kevin Smallman regretting his decision of a light colored jacket for practice.

Ryan or Art.. I can't tell... flying through stage 3.

Mr. America himself decided to make an appearance on Vigilante.

Can you say "Dad Jorts?"

The spectators were out in full force over the weekend.

Meredith Newman, juggling two kiddos and making breakfast! What a lady!

Ryan racing in his white kit, after the mud dried out!

Amy Morisson on her way to 2nd place!

Ali Willis showing the boys how's its done!

The mini Moto support crew was out in full force!

Ari Soto and Cody Wilkins hanging out at the WTB zone!

Is is really TDS if RC racing didn't happen?

Becky Gardner looking fresh in new DHarco kit!

Marco on his way to victory!

Congrats Marco Osborne on snagging the win, even with a crash, by 12 seconds!

Way to go Amy for absolutely crushing it, like always!