Gee Atherton - A Day in the Saddle

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Join us behind the scenes as we shoot a short mountain-biking film, deep in the Dyfi forest.

Speaking on the day of filming, Gee said “I love making these small edits. Each one has a unique challenge to overcome, and every time you’re thinking; what are we going to get today? What are we going to show? It’s really exciting.

We wanted to share some of the energy and the fun that goes on in the background while creating the usual end product. I feel like the creative process that mostly ends up “cut” is often the best bit!

When you’re making this kind of film you change the way you ride, going again and again to make it look amazing - you can push your riding right to the edge, but I must admit that this day on the trail bike is a welcome change of pace from the big mountain projects.”

The WTB SL8 (it’s pronounced ‘slate’) team saddle is a titanium railed, lightweight saddle, with a short, slightly dropped nose, which helps you transition on and off the saddle. It’s the 4th year of our partnership with WTB and we’ve been on the SL8 from the start - initially they were our trail saddle but we’re starting to run them on our DH bikes as well a lot of the time. I’ve crashed loads and I’ve never broken one or popped a rail out of the saddle either.”*

*This film and interview were made prior to Gee’s huge crash on “The Knife Edge” last May but his claim to have never broken an SL8 still stands.


Filming : @wearepeny 




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