Jason Moeschler Coaches WTB Taiwan Skills Camp

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School's in session, learn your lesson!  Whether in Taipei or Nevada City, Jason Moescher, WTB's OEM Sales Manager, can't help but coach.  Jason just finished coaching WTB Skills Camps to the youth and the not youth but still youthful (adults.)  Jason bestowed sage wisdom upon eager ears, focusing on balance, braking, weight distribution, appropriate shifting, bike fit, and line selection.  Man, line selection, appropriate shifting?  Throw in not riding like a hack and I may have made a mistake not flying to Taiwan to get a much need brush up on my... errrr.... skills.

Kevin Lai!  You stole my idea, that info's for the kids, dude.  No taking notes.  Kevin Lai, on left, and Tina Kuo, bottom right, of WTB's Taiwan Branch Office, kindly helped Jason foster tomorrow's Taiwanese shredders.  See that beautiful orange dirt roller in the background?  Taipei might as well be called Perfect Pump Track City.

Jason also spent time discussing what it means to work in the bicycle industry as well as his upbringing with WTB - moving from racer to still racer but doing a whole lot more than just racing.

Listen up kiddos, this part's important.  This is how I drop Weir when he's being nasty.  Americans, fear not.  A-D-D is not just a US-based affliction.

Speaking of doing a lot more than racing, Jason is now working the ever busy, never quiet Taichung Bike Week, the granddaddy of OEM sales shows.  Four days later, he'll take it out on Merida Cup's course against UCI World Cup XC racers aboard his Cannondale Scalpel decked out with WTB Frequency i19 29" Team TCS rims, WTB Nano 2.1 29" TCS tires, a WTB Volt SLT Saddle, and WTB Tech Trail Lock-On grips.  Last year Jason pulled a second place in pro, podiumed next to French World Cup racer Maixme Marotte, who races for the BH, SR Suntour, KMC team.

Little Shredders

and Big Shredders.

Last year's Merida Cup was wrought with foolishly sloppy mud hiding mine-like sharp rocks beneath.  This year's weather is looking more promising, keep your fingers crossed!

OverMountain UnderPass.  Taipei has used land wisely and much like Seattle's Colonnade bike park, it blends infrastructure with fun.  Beneath an overpass is a beautifully manicured bike park, A+!

Following Merida Cup, Jason will head straight to the Super 8 Enduro.  Don't get too excited, Enduro in this case stands for Endurance, as in 8 straight hours on a bike!  No.  Sleep.  'Til.  Brooklyn.  Couldn't help the Beastie Boys reference, Jason is one hard worker, hopefully he gets a chance to catch up on some much needed ZZzzZZZZzzzs once back in the US.  Knowing Jason, he'll probably wake up early and complete a dizzyingly exhaustive single track fest before showing up to work early!  Best of luck Jason - stay posted for updates.

Good times, great oldies.  A fun time in the books, stay posted for more updates.


Cannondale Over Mountain Cannondale OverMountain Changhua Frequency Frequency i19 Frequency i19 Team Frequency Team Jason Moeschler Maxime Marotte Merida Cup Nano Nano 2.1 29 Nano 29 Nano TCS Super 8 Enduro Taichung Bike Week Taipei Taiwan TCS Tech Trail TechTrail Tubeless Compatible System UCI World Cup Volt Volt SLT Wilderness Trail Bikes WTB WTB Skills Camp

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