Around the World and Back Again–Part 1

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Top of the mountain_Vars

From the Sierra Nevadas to the French Alps and a few mountains in between, Team WTB rides again…

Just two days off the podium in Downieville, Mark Weir and Jason Moeschler packed up their bikes for a three-week, three-country tour that would eventually lead them to some of the most aggressive riding around, otherwise known as the French Enduro racing series. Checkout the footage from Tribe Sports Group to see what we're talking about.

2010 French Enduro Racing with Weir and Moeschler from Tribe Sports Group.

Our story begins in London, where Moeschler and Weir found themselves in the good hands of our WTB Europe team as well as our UK distributor (Hotlines). They were promptly let loose in the muddy hills of south Whales (Monmouth), where they rode in the muddy, wet conditions of the trail center followed by the rugged terrain of the English countryside near Todmorden.

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Traveling light was imperative, and with little-to-no time to pack, the guys landed with only one set of wheels each, and for Weir it was the same 1,460-gram, tubeless ready “gently loved” Stryker wheel set he won the Ashland Super D and the Downieville DH on.

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Using his hotel room and the lobby as a makeshift workshop, Moeschler built his Nomad up with the Laser TCS All Mountain wheel set with WeirWolf 2.1 TCS tires. Weir put Wolverine 2.2 All Mountain TCS tires on his Nomad and called it good. A few epic rides later, the guys got the bikes “properly” muddied but enjoyed the good spirit of the rides and people they rode with. Thanks to the good people at Singletrack, MBR, MBUK and Dirt for their hospitality and mean coffee…(especially you Chipps!)

Coffee Break with Singletrack Dinner with Dirt Presenting TCS to MBUK

Stay tuned for part deux tomorrow...


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