Tricky Moore

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Name: Tricky Moore

Location: South Wales and The Cotswolds, England

Discipline: MTB/Gravity

Rider Type:  DH, Freeride, Slalom

Favorite WTB Product: Vigilante 2.5” Tough/High-complete Grip Monsters and the most versatile tyre out there!

About Me: MTB racer, Dad, Thrill Seeker and Metal Head! Mountain Biking has been feeding my need for speed since 1992, where life started as a Cross Country racer in the South Wales Valleys…It didn’t take long to realise that DH racing and Freeride style riding suited me better, and my lifestyle has centred around that ever since.

Riding and music are how I express myself, where drawing and painting otherwise used to…I’m always thinking about alternative lines, harder cornering, sending lips, and how to best avoid pedalling at all costs (!!). Ultimately, riding for me is about sheer speed and focus and using WTB components since 1998 (with the classic SST98 Ltd Ed. Ti saddle and the original Velociraptor F&R tyre combo!) allows the speed I want to be achieved, and the focus required to achieve it by using components that I can rely on to function perfectly underneath me.

Regularly found in the start hut at British National Series DH races and at as many International and Regional rounds as I can fit in (even chilly Winter ones-brrrr!).

‘Specialist topic’ has evolved into Hardtail Downhill over the last few years…I don’t know why – It just seems to be what comes most naturally to me 😊

Riding WTB Since: 1998. Associated since 2023

Instagram Handle: @trkymoore

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