Canyon Wilcox

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Name: Canyon Wilcox

Location: Bend, Oregon

Rider Type: Ambassador 

Favorite WTB Product: One of my favorite all around tires has to be the Vigilante! And the Silverado seat has always been the comfiest!

About Me: I grew up in a mtb household with a pumptrack in my backyard since the day I was born, and have been riding since the age of 2. My goals for the near future is to put in the effort training, and get some solid results from some of the pacific NW race series. My goal for the distant future is to be able to travel the world and get to do what I love most, ride bikes!

Social Media: Instagram

Riding WTB Since: I’ve basically been riding WTB products my whole life. I’ve always had at least something WTB on everyone of my bikes. But I’ve officially been on the team since the beginning of this year 2021, and I’m so stoked about it!

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